• wildcatFrom 1956 until 1966, Cherry Creek middle school students attended Cherry Creek Junior High, located on the Cherry Creek High School campus.

    In 1961, voters overwhelmingly supported a $5 million bond issue that would, in part, be used to purchase land and to construct a new junior high school.

    On April 15,1965, the district purchased 19.5 acres of land on the corner of South Holly Street and East Belleview Avenue. Open land was abundant, and the location provided a panoramic view of the Rocky Mountains. Construction began in September 1965, and West opened its doors in August of 1966, even though construction was not completed until November. The population at West started with 655 students and has reached over 1400.

    In 1966, the students named their new school Cherry Creek West Junior High. Seventh, eighth, and ninth graders attended school until the fall of 1971, when the ninth grade was moved to the high school, and the school became known as Cherry Creek West Middle School.

    In 1990-1991, 150 sixth graders attended West Middle School. During that year, a major addition increased West's size and capacity. The building now is equipped to handle approximately 1500 students, grades 6-8.

    Eight elementary schools currently feed into West. They are

    • Cherry Hills Village,
    • Greenwood,
    • Heritage,
    • Homestead, and
    • partial populations from Dry Creek, Holly Hills, Walnut Hills, and Willow Creek.

    West Middle School feeds into Cherry Creek High School.