We are excited to introduce to you the Options Honor Society, beginning in the 2024/2025 school year. This organization is being formed to recognize Options secondary students who live out the five honor society pillars – leadership, scholarship, character, curiosity, and service – and to build community and opportunity among these students.
Applicants should demonstrate the importance they place on the Options Honor Society pillars as well as their desire to grow in these areas. Applicants must be in 10th - 12th grade and must have been involved in either the Options Program or another district school for the year prior to application. Members must maintain a GPA of at least 3.5, based on Options Program and other school district grades. Applicants and members must keep a clean disciplinary record.
Members will be expected to participate in bimonthly meetings; these will take place the first and third Mondays after school each month during the school year. A Zoom option will be available for students unable to make the meetings in person. Members are expected to take an active role in the meetings, including in the planning and implementation of service projects. Parental support is important in clearing schedules and providing transportation to and from meetings and service projects.
Members will be recognized at an induction ceremony to take place in October and will receive Honor Society cords at graduation from the Options Program.
Application materials will be sent to Options families in July, but in the meantime you can feel free to contact Tracey Douglas or Rosemary Been with any questions.
Tracey Douglas
Rosemary Been