Dropping Off & Picking Up

  • To pick up or drop off your child, park on Genoa Way (not in the bus loading zone).  Your child should use the sidewalks on Genoa.  The gate into our parking lot is closed and locked from 2:35 to 3:15 p.m.  The Aurora Police Department, in conjunction with Cherry Creek Public Schools, uses a zero-tolerance approach to traffic enforcement in school safety zones. Left turns out of the parking lot are not permitted from 7:45-8:15 am and 2:45-3:30 p.m. The use of crosswalks is mandatory.

    Traffic Rules for Sunrise Elementary 

    • No Parking or standing in the fire lane RED curb area. (That is the area directly in front of the school in the parking lot) This area is for DROP OFF only and traffic must continue to move in this area. 
    • Drop off is not allowed in front of the handicapped parking spaces at any time. Those spots are reserved for those vehicles with a handicapped placard clearly displayed.
    • If you want to wait until 7:50 am, or want to walk your child to their door, you must park in a designated parking spot. Parking is available in the school parking lot and on S. Genoa Way. (Please do not use the accessible parking spots unless you have a handicapped placard clearly displayed. Violators will be ticketed).
    • When leaving the parking lot, it is a RIGHT TURN ONLY onto S. Genoa Way. Drivers are asked to refrain from turning left. This helps keep traffic moving inside the parking lot, as well as for the safety of the traffic on S. Genoa Way.

    Morning Arrival Information:

    • Students are allowed on campus beginning at 7:45 a.m. We will have a soft start morning arrival allowing students to enter the building using grade level assigned doors between 7:45-8:00 a.m. (Unless they are eating breakfast, which begins at 7:30 a.m.)

      • We DO NOT have supervision outside prior to 7:45 am. Students are not allowed on campus prior to 7:45 a.m. If you are dropping off your children before work, they are not allowed out of the car until the bell rings to ensure their safety. (Unless they are in the cafeteria eating breakfast)

      • If they arrive early, they will be asked to come into the cafeteria for breakfast.

    • Breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m. and is free for all students. Students who will be eating breakfast need to have eaten and be ready to be in class by 8:00 am.

    • Please be reminded that students should not play on the playground before school begins, and please do not drop your children off at school prior to 7:45 a.m. unless they are eating breakfast.

    • If your child arrives at school later than 8:00 am, please have them enter the building using the main entrance. Arriving after 8:00 will result in your child being tardy and missing the classroom community time that is important across all grade levels at Sunrise.

    End of Day Dismissal Information:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: Afternoon Dismissal begins at 2:45 pm/Wednesday Only - Dismissal begins at 1:45 pm

    • At 2:45 pm, K-2 students in our ECS (Aftercare) program and those riding either a CCSD bus or private daycare van will have an adult walk them through the building to their destinations.

    • Students walking home and those being picked up by family will walk with their classroom teacher to their designated pick-up locations outside of school. Specific grade level information will be shared by classroom teachers at the start of the year. K-2 students will be released to an adult or sibling. Students in 3rd - 5th grade will be released and are able to walk home or meet the adult picking them up without checking in with the teacher. (Please communicate with your child's teacher how they will be getting home on most days to help us make sure ALL students know who is picking them up and how they are getting home. If something changes during the day, it is important for the classroom teacher and your child to know any of the changes. Thank you!)

Last Modified on Wednesday at 2:34 PM