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- Polton Elementary School
- Drop Off and Pick-up Procedures
Drop-Off/Pick-up Procedures for Polton
We ask all drivers to observe the posted driving limits in the neighborhood and heed all crosswalks around the school when young children travel to and from school. Please drive 5-10 miles per hour in the school parking lot. Students should wait on the sidewalk until their ride can pull alongside the curb. We do not allow students to walk out between parked cars or to walk across the parking lot unaccompanied by an adult. Also, please be very cautious of children and adults crossing in the crosswalk on Oakland Street.No Parking Areas
Due to Fire Department Regulations, in front of the school designated as a No Parking area and must remain clear for buses from 7:40am – 8:00am in the morning, as well as from 2:00pm– 3:00pm at dismissal. If you enter the parking lot outside of these times, you may stop along the curb long enough for your child(ren) to enter or exit the car safely. Do not exit and leave your car in this area – If you cannot find a parking spot, we ask that you exit the parking lot and search for parking in the neighborhood, avoiding driveways and fire hydrants.
“Hug & Go Lane”
Oakland Street (east side of school)-Drivers must stay in their vehicles at all times.
Drivers traveling South West on Oakland Street to drop off student(s) in our “Kiss and Go” Lane – you may not exit your car. You may stop long enough to allow children to exit your car safely, and then pull forward to let other parents also efficiently drop their students along this curb. If you are traveling North East on Oakland Street and there is parking available, you may park on the far side of the street. Please be sure to cross the street at the crosswalk if walking students to the building. Thank you for helping keep all of our precious children safe.
For more information, please view map below.
If you have questions, please contact the front office at 720-747-2600
To report traffic issues, please contact Aurora PAR officer, or Non-emergency APD.Thank you to all of our community members for your continued efforts to keep our students safe!