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- Cherry Creek School District No. 5
- Student Enrollment
- Student Enrollment Information
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Student Enrollment
Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten enrollment is available starting February 3rd and enrollment for all grade levels will be available on March 3rd. District Admissions handles enrollment for all Cherry Creek Schools students in Kindergarten through 12th grade through an easy-to-use online enrollment system. Current students do not need to re-enroll each year.
District Admissions handles enrollment for all Cherry Creek Schools students in Kindergarten through 12th grade through an easy-to-use online enrollment system. To enroll a new Preschool student (3yrs old on or before October 1st) and for Pre-Kindergarten (4yrs old on or before October 1st) please visit the Early Childhood Education website: CCSD Preschool Enrollment . Additional information about Universal Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten can also be found HERE
Re-Enrollment Process - Students who were withdrawn and need to re-enroll during the same school year will be re-activated after the Student Household Information Form, current proof of residency and photo ID from the parent/guardian are emailed to Students withdrawn during the previous school year will require a new enrollment request submitted through the online enrollment system.
Enrollment for Kindergarten through 12th grade is a simple, three-step process!
Step 1: Create a family enrollment account with the following link: ONLINE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM. You will need a valid email address to create your account. Families that have NOT enrolled a student after January 18, 2022 will need to create a new account. (NOTE: This is a different account than your account). If you are registering for a different school year than the current one, click on the DASHBOARD icon in the top right corner of the page.
Step 2: Once the Family Enrollment Account has been created, you will be able to enroll your student(s). You will need to upload electronic copies of the following documents to complete the enrollment process for each student:
- Proof of Age, including but not limited to:
- Birth certificate (translated if not in English)
- Religious, hospital or physician's certificate showing date of birth
- Receipt from birth state that a replacement birth certificate was ordered
- Adoption record
- Parent Affidavit
- Previously verified school records
- Valid passport
- Family bible entry
- Immunization record - Please upload the COMPLETE immunization record (all pages, front and back).
- Proof of address (view accepted document list HERE)
- Government issued Photo ID for the parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
Note: If you are unable to scan your documents, there are free apps online that will enable your smartphone to serve as a scanner. Or you may simply take a picture of the documents with your smart phone. Be sure that your student’s name is on all the documents and that all information is clear so that it can be easily read. For additional support, you may visit an Admissions office to have the documents uploaded.
Step 3: You will receive an email from PowerSchool Enrollment after your student has been enrolled to the district. The email will contain your student’s information and directions for any next steps.
Enrolling for Extracurricular /Activities ONLY? For information on the Extracurricular and Athletics Only option with Cherry Creek, please click HERE.
- Proof of Age, including but not limited to:
Online Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions
Proof of Residence
Below are GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Due to specific circumstances, residency documentation may be unique to your situation.
If you OWN your home, provide ONE of the following:
- Current Gas or Electric Bill within 30 days (No Disconnect or Final Notices) - Include all of Page 1 AND Page 2 of the bill
- Warranty Deed - must be signed within the last 60 days
- Three pieces of current USPS business mail received within the past 30 days - The address, date and your name must be visible. We will also accept e-statements and e-bills for 2 of the 3 pieces.
- Future BUILD - A letter from the Builder with Completion Date within the current semester
- Future Purchase Contract - Complete, signed contract with Possession Date and Closing Date within the current semester.
If you RENT, provide ONE of the following:
- Current Gas or Electric Bill received within the past 30 days (No Disconnect or Final Notices) - Include all of Page 1 AND Page 2 of the bill.
- A fully executed Lease Agreement for a new property leased within the last 60 days (No sub-lease) - Signatures from the lessee and the Landlord/Property Manager are required.
- Three pieces of current USPS business mail received within the past 30 days - The address, date and your name must be visible. We will also accept e-statements and e-bills for 2 of the 3 pieces.
- Future Lease - Fully executed Lease Agreement and a receipt of the first month's rent payment. (During the school year, you must be moving in within two weeks of the requested start date). Signatures from the lessee and the Landlord/Property Manager are required.
If you LIVE WITH ANOTHER FAMILY, please provide ALL the following THREE items:
- CO-RESIDING RESIDENCY FORM - Completed and Signed
- Verification of residency for the family with whom you are living with, such as their current gas/electric bill.
- Current proof of your residency at that address. (ie: bank statement, insurance statement, new Colorado driver's license receipt, mail received, etc.), with your name, the address and the date clearly listed.
Families with Transitional Housing Situations or Experiencing Homelessness
If your living situation has changed for any of the following reasons, please text, email or call the CCSD McKinney-Vento and Community Engagement team at (303) 681-4513 or
Do any of the following apply to the current housing situation for the student?
- In an emergency or transitional shelter,
- In a motel, hotel or campsite due to lack of alternative, adequate accommodations,
- In a car, park, temporary RV, abandoned building, substandard housing, public or private space not designated for human beings or similar setting,
- Living with another family due to loss of housing or economic hardship; "doubled-up."
Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under federal laws.
What is the online enrollment process?
Student enrollment is a secure online system that makes enrollment easier for parents and guardians, saves time for staff, lowers printing and postage costs and improves the quality, completeness and timeliness of student data.
What documents are needed to complete the enrollment process?
You will need to upload electronic copies of the following documents to complete the student enrollment process:
- Birth certificate
- Proof of address (ie: gas or electric bill, three pieces of mail, etc.)
- Immunization record
- Photo ID for parent
Note: If you are unable to scan your documents, there are free apps online that will enable your smart phone to serve as a scanner. Or you may simply take a picture of the documents with your smart phone. Be sure that your student’s name is on all the documents and that all information is clear so that it can be easily read.
Can I use my phone to enroll my student?
Yes. The student enrollment system is accessible online through web browsers on mobile devices. A mobile app for student enrollment isn't available at this time.
Can I start my child's enrollment now and finish it later?
Yes, student enrollments can be saved, reopened and finished at a later time.
Once my student enrollment is submitted online, can I go back and make changes?
Yes, while your enrollment request is pending approval for enrollment, you may log back into the PowerSchool Enrollment family account and access the submitted form(s) for making changes, as well as uploading additional documents.
If the enrollment request has already been finalized, or was discarded after missing documents were not provided, then corrections will need to be directed to the Admissions department.
What about Active Duty Military families that are new to Colorado?
All active duty military families who reside within the CCSD boundary would follow the normal enrollment process for their neighborhood school, or the School Choice process for requesting a different school.
Active duty military families who have been assigned to, and are required to reside on Buckley Space Force Base, can enroll in school within the Cherry Creek School District with confirmation from the School Liaison located at Buckley. More information on this option and contact information for the Buckley School Liaison can be found on the following website: