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- Overland High School
- Overland Library
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Library Hours
Library hours are as follows:
- Mondays 7:45am – 3:45pm
- Tuesdays 7:45am – 4:30pm
- Wednesdays 7:45am – 4:30pm
- Thursdays 7:45am – 3:45pm
- Fridays & days before a holiday 7:45am – 3:35pm
*The Overland library is available to regularly scheduled Overland students only. Homeschool and Manor students will need to study at their school of enrollment and use public library spaces and resources.
Behavior Policies
Leave food and drink outside
Sit four to a table (Light talking at light tables.
Silent study/reading in all other areas.)
Use Appropriate Language Read or work on homework
Leave cell phones off and out of sight
STUDENT ID REQUIRED for library entry, book checkout and computer usage
No iPods or earphones allowed in labs
Computer labs are considered classrooms and all OHS Climate policies apply
Podcasting earphones are to be checked out and returned to CIC
Books for students: 2 weeks (Teachers can request extended due dates for students to finish class projects.)
Books for staff: 1 month
AV materials: Return to AV/IT center at the end of the school day unless prior arrangements have been made with AV/IT staff