
  • ​​Team: Holly Fullmer, Melissa Bisbee ​and Holly Stoleson


    Kindergartner Supply List


    Kindergarten Welcome Letter


    Philosophy and Goals:  
    Kindergarten is...

    • learning to work and get along with others
    • fostering a love of learning
    • ​building academic readiness


    Program Highlights:  

    Area:  Colorado Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, and Communicating in
    Kindergarten include...

    • learning names and sounds of the letters in the alphabet
    • frequent opportunities to write stories, non-fiction, and poetry
    • basic handwriting instruction
    • basic sight words spelled correctly and used in writing
    • rich and frequent experiences with a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books including the use of easy readers


    Our Reading Program Emphasizes Reading For Meaning through comprehension and reading strategies

    Area:  Colorado Academic Standards for Mathematics in Kindergarten include...

    • free exploration of math materials
    • numbers and number relationships
    • understanding and building patterns
    • graphing
    • comparing
    • sorting and classifying
    • writing and solving number problems


    Our Math Program emphasizes a wide variety of tasks using manipulatives to build mathematical concepts​

    Area:  State Standards in Science and Social Studies for Kindergarten include...

    • integrating knowledge learned in one area and applying to another area
    • themes are incorporated to reinforce concepts and build understanding in the following areas:
    • Social Studies: geography and map skills, honoring ourselves, our family and heritage, and understanding diversity
    • Science: FOSS Science: Wood and paper, Animals 2x2, Weather and Seasons


    We want the best for your child!


Last Modified on October 13, 2022