
  • Emily Peters


    Ph: 720-747-2706



    CHVE Clinic Guidelines


    If your child has medical concerns that will need to be addressed during the school day, please call the clinic directly at 720-747-2706.



    When your child will not be in school, it is imperative that you notify the school prior to 8:00 a.m. the day of the absence. The school is obligated to call on all absences not called into school. This is done for the safety of your child as well as your peace of mind. The CHVE attendance phone number is: 720-747-2795.

    Illness/ When to Stay Home

    • Fever - anything over 100 degrees, your child should stay home and not return to school until fever free (without medication) for 24 hours
    • Vomiting/Diarrhea - with or without fever, your child should stay home until their symptom free for 24 hours
    • Strep Throat – your child should remain home until they have completed 24 hours of their prescribed medication
    • Pink Eye/conjunctivitis - redness and discharge from the eye; a child should be kept home and treated by your physician before returning to school
    • Colds/Sore Throats/Cough - a child with a cold, experiencing congestion and a hacking cough belongs at home, even without a fever


    Medication cannot be taken at school unless given by the nurse. The clinic is unable to administer prescribed medications without the completion of "In School Medication forms and permissions" can be located here: Health Services website.

    Please note: that medicine is to be provided in the original container accompanied by a doctor and parent signatures on all prescriptions, and in school medication forms. Over the counter medication can only be given with parental permission accessed through the online parent forms.

    Illness at School

    A student may stay in the health office until a parent/ emergency contact arrives. Whomever is picking up the child should plan to do so within 30 minutes of being contacted. Please keep your emergency information updated to assure that when your child is sick or injured we can contact you.

    Updating your Household Details

    Please go to > Guardian tile > update contact information


    Handwashing is the first line of defense against the spread of many illnesses. Please encourage your children to wash their hands frequently, especially before meals and after touching their face.

    Healthy Habits

    Healthy habits promote healthy children. Please assist your children in selecting a well-balanced breakfast/lunch in order to feed their brain and get the most out of their learning experience. Children often have a stomachache or headache, and frequently the cause is because they did not eat before school.

    SPF 15 Sunscreen

    The application of sunscreen should become part of your child’s daily morning routine. This will help prevent skin damage that can lead to skin cancers later in life.

    CCSD Health Services Website

    CO DPHE Vaccination Requirements 22-23.pdf (

Last Modified on August 29, 2024