Nurse at Dry Creek

  • Kristin McCartin, BSN, RN

    Dry Creek: 720-554-3305



    Please keep clinic staff informed of your child’s health needs and let them know of any changes throughout the school year. Emergency information is filled out online at the beginning of the school year on the parent portal: The information provided is important if your child becomes ill or if an accident occurs at school. Please keep this information accurate and up to date. 

    Hand Washing

    Hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of disease. Please encourage your children to wash their hands frequently, especially before and after meals.


    If your child is experiencing any COVID symptoms, please check in with clinic staff to determine next steps and when your child may return to school. Please keep the clinic informed of any COVID testing or COVID exposures. Free COVID testing is available for anyone in Colorado here:

    Illness at School

    It is extremely important to keep your emergency information updated so we can contact you as soon as possible if your child is sick or injured. Children may stay in the clinic until the parent arrives, but please pick up ill children as soon as possible.


    Medication at school is administered by the nurse or delegated staff. Medication will not be accepted unless the district approved permission forms are complete and the medication is in the original container with the child’s name on the pharmacy label. The permission forms for prescriptive medication are available on the CCSD website or in the clinic. The permission forms for over-the-counter medications are available at Parents may come to school at any time to medicate their own children without permission forms, but please check in with the main office and clinic before administering.


Last Modified on September 28, 2023