

    High Plains Protopage

    Looking for some websites for your child?  Check out our High Plains Protopage!  It has websites for all content areas (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies) in addition to having sites for student research.  

    High Plains Library 

    Visit the High Plains Library website for: access to the online catalog; resources for research; and access to Sora, our portal for borrowing ebooks.


    PBIS High Five

    Each year High Plains Elementary, in conjunction with the Cherry Creek School District, provides all of its students with training in the Bully proofing program. The goal of this program is to make our school environment safe for children, both physically and psychologically. Research shows that when children feel safe and are not distracted by issues related to bullying they are better able to focus on learning. This in turn, increases teachers’ ability to focus on teaching.  Below are some documents to support PBIS at home.

Last Modified on September 10, 2023