• Jackie Rauch - students refer to me as Nurse Jackie

    Email: jrauch2@cherrycreekschools.org

    Phone: 720-886-6409

    How many years have you been teaching/working in education? At Summit
    This is my 11th school year at Summit and my 27th as a nurse
    Write two things you are excited about for this school year. 
    I am excited to see all the kids and a pandemic free school year (knock on wood!)
    Some interesting facts about me.
    When I was a kid I wanted to be a nurse or a teacher. After years of working in a hospital, I came to school nursing and now I am a nurse who works with a bunch of awesome teachers. I have one dog, two cats, and two sons. I would like to foster kittens and bats when I have more time. Yes. I typed bats. I love bats. Flying mammals are cool.
    Administrative Health Liason
    Diana Fraire - dfraire@cherrycreekschools.org

    Letter to Community:

    Hi Summit Parents and Families,

    I am Jackie Rauch, the nurse at Summit. I am in the clinic every day from 7:40am to 3:30pm. Come see me or call me any time with questions or health concerns about your children. The more I know about you child’s health the better able I am to support them in getting the best education they can.

    Some things to know:

    I am a registered nurse and in the state of Colorado I can only give medication under the direction of a doctor.

    Medications I can give with online parent permission:

    Acetaminophen (Tylenol)                           

    Ibuprofen (Advil)                            

    Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)                                     

    Skin creams I can use with online parent permission:

    Bacitracin Antibiotic Cream                                         

    Anti-Itch Cream                                               

    I can also use Saline eye wash with parent permission to wash out eyes.

    If your child has a cough or cold, I can give guaifenesin or dextromethorphan cough medicine with parent permission. This medication needs to be supplied by the parent. Please do not send formulas that contain medications other than guaifenesin or dextromethorphan (multi-symptom medication).       

    I can no longer give cough drops. Please do not send them to school with your student. Cough drops are a choking hazard and should not be used for children.

    If your child needs to take any other prescription or over the counter medication at school, a permission form needs to be filled out by you AND your child’s doctor. You can get this form from me at the clinic or by clicking here. By Colorado law, I cannot give medication to your child without having this form filled out. Over the counter medication must be in original packaging and prescription medication must be in a pharmacy-labeled container.

    Please do not send your child to school if they are sick. Fever over 100, vomiting, and diarrhea are always reasons to keep your child at home.  A child with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea MUST stay home for at least 24 hours after the last un-medicated fever, or episode of vomiting or diarrhea. Learning is hard for a child that does not feel well, and it is very important not to spread illness in school. As always, you can call me in the clinic or stop by with concerns. If your child visits the doctor and is told that they have an infection or illness, please let me know by phone or email. I keep track of the number of students with infections like influenza and strep throat so we can stop the spread of those in our classrooms.

    Thank you and I look forward to getting to know your family this year.

    Jackie Rauch MSN, RN, NCSN

Last Modified on Friday at 12:30 PM