Cimarron PTCO

  • Cimarron's PTCO Facebook Page

    NEXT PTCO MEETING March 12 @ 6:00pm at Cimarron


    Butter Braids

    Start Selling on 2/26, Sales End on 3/13

    Delivery 3/27/24 for pickup after school

    *more info and fliers coming soon


    McTeacher's Night

    February 28th, 5:00pm-7:00pm

    Support your school at McDonald's

    16890 E Quincy Ave in Aurora

    Part of your payment will be donated to Cimarron.


    Skate City

    March 16 6:30pm-8:300pm

    *more info and fliers coming soon


    Add Cimarron to your King Soopers App

    -Open app

    -Click 3 lines in the upper right corner

    -Rewards>Community rewards

    -search Organization

    - Select Cimarron Elementary School

    *This costs you nothing and gives money back to our school!

    The Cimarron PTCO is an excellent way to get involved in your child's school and meet new teachers and parents.  We cherish your ideas and feedback on all school activities.  You might have some great resources or a special hidden (or not so hidden) talent that would be very beneficial to Cimarron.  PTCO is an excellent place to ask questions and get great information about the school and your child's education.  We are always in need of parent volunteers to help with fundraisers and activities. The best thing about PTCO is that it is FREE!!  We encourage you to come and check out a meeting to see what the Cimarron PTCO is all about. We also have many other smaller fundraisers including restaurant nights that will be shared with the community!

     For more information on the Cimarron PTCO please contact the PTCO at


     - President - Amanda Kinnard-Fuchsgruber

    - Vice President - Stephanie Carlberg

    - Treasure - Sheri Vigil and Gwendolyn Bonilla

    - Secretary - Megan Zlocki and Karen Miller

    Board Members:  Julie Forshay


    Please also be sure to check the "Yes" box on the Cherry Creek Schools registration website ( to share your contact information with the PTCO and be sure you are kept up to date and informed of all PTCO events and updates.  

    For more information on the Cimarron PTCO please contact the PTCO at