I Want To...
Students and staff make holidays brighter for those in need
The mission of the Cherry Creek School District is “To inspire every student to think, to learn, to achieve, to care.” The final tenet of that mission, “to care,” was especially evident across the district’s 108 square miles this month, as students, staff, schools, departments, and the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation worked together to make the holiday season a little brighter for those in need.
Here are just a few examples from across the district:
Village East Elementary
There was anticipation in the air and a long line outside Village East Community Elementary on Dec. 16, when the school hosted a special Holiday Drive, supported by the Village East PTCO, other PTCOs, and the Colorado Rockies. The Rockies mascot, Dinger, was on hand to welcome families as they picked up a blanket, a grocery gift card, books, games, and toys, and cold weather gear such as hats and gloves. The event added excitement and joy to the holiday season for kids and adults alike.
Walnut Hills Community Elementary
On Dec. 20, Walnut Hills students made 320 bean soup kits, equaling 2,400 servings of bean soup, which were delivered to the Jewish Family Services Weinberg Pantry and the Open Arms Food Bank to help fight hunger in the metro area. The students also decorated cards for Meals on Wheels, which delivers nutritious food to homebound seniors, and bags for Project Angel Heart, which delivers nutritious food (including medically tailored meals) to people in need. The projects were supported by a CCSD Wellness Grant, the Walnut Hills PTCO, and the non-profit Project Our Town.
Infinity Middle School
Infinity's National Junior Honor Society members organized a sock drive as their chapter service project. Believe it or not, they collected 1,238 pairs of socks for the Denver Rescue Mission, which provides food, clothing, shelter, and other services to adults and children experiencing homelessness. This was a 100% student-driven service project, planned, implemented, and supported by Infinity students!
CCSD Transportation Department
The members of the Cherry Creek Schools Transportation Department – bus drivers, bus assistants, dispatchers, mechanics, trainers, and support staff – spend most of their time getting more than 25,000 students safely to and from school every day. However, this month, they also made time to adopt a family at Dakota Valley Elementary, to ensure they had everything they needed for a happy holiday season!
Cherry Creek Schools Foundation
More than 150 families were able to stock up for the holidays when they visited a mobile market, hosted by the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation on Dec. 17 on the Overland High School campus. The market offered fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, bread, and shelf-stable items, as well as free coats, books, toys, and even dental kits. The OHS wrestling team volunteered at the event, which was supported by several community partners, including Alpine Bank, the Aurora Police Department, Goodwill Industries, and Stride Community Health. Servicio de la Raza also came to help people sign up for Medicaid and CHP+, Colorado’s Child Health Plan Plus.
Thanks to all the students, staff, and families who contributed their time, talents, and resources to make these and many other community service projects successful, and make a positive difference to those in need this holiday season!
Posted 12/23/2024.