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Speech & Debaters Advance to Finals

The Speech and Debate coaches want to congratulate our students for yet another successful tournament! If you see them, give them a congratulations!  


In Lincoln-Douglas Debate:

  • Reem Saeed broke to finals on her first time participating in an LD event since last school year, meaning she won two of her three rounds! Then, she went on to win 6th place overall in finals (out of 38)!


In Original Oratory:

  • Hana Ahmednur competed for the first time!

  • Hana Kebede broke to finals, meaning she placed in the top three in all 3 rounds. Then, she went on to win 1st place overall in finals out of all 18 OO competitors!  

If you’re interested in writing your own speeches, performing dramas or poetry, or participating in debates, you can still join Speech and Debate. See any of our coaches (Olsen, Barrette, Ford, or our President Reem Saeed) or stop by room 144D on Mondays and Wednesdays!