I Want To...
- Cherry Creek School District No. 5
- Board of Education
Anne Egan, Director District A
Anne Egan
Director, District A
Anne Egan has had the chance to see how the Cherry Creek School District functions at all different levels.
Egan, who was re-elected as the CCSD Board of Education District A Director in November 2023, has long had a well-informed view of the district of more than 53,000 students. A former education policy advisor with Colorado Gov. Roy Romer, Egan and her family specifically moved to a home in the district for the schools. Her four children have all progressed through Cherry Creek Schools.
This experience has come in addition to longtime roles within the district – Egan has been an active member in CCSD organizations ranging from elementary school PTCOs to the Cherry Creek Community Legislative Network.
“It was important for me to give back to the district,” Egan said, adding that at one point, she had four kids in four different schools. Each found their own path to excellence within the district, and each drew on resources within their classrooms to forge their own Pathway of Purpose. “I look forward to continuing this important work for our students, with a particular focus on mental health and physical safety, teachers and innovative pathways.”
Egan certainly has the experience and the know-how to keep those issues at the forefront in her new role on the board (she earned a master’s degree from the University of Denver). Egan is used to working hard behind the scenes to maintain the district’s tradition of excellence, and she wants to bring those skills to bear in implementing the ideals and values encapsulated in the latest strategic objectives outlined for Cherry Creek’s roadmap for maintaining excellence for all, excellence for the future.